Yana Evans
MS, CNS- Dietitian/Nutritionist
- English
- Early Parenthood
- Functional and Integrative Medicine
- Gastrointestinal Health
- Infertility
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Weight Inclusive
Hi! I help busy, active women and mamas get to the root of their health concerns, understand their nutritional needs, and learn practical strategies to fuel themselves so that they can fully and vibrantly show up in their lives. I have a special focus on healing from disordered eating and chronic dieting, learning how to fuel for strength and muscle building, and gut/hormonal conditions such as PCOS, PMS/PMDD, hypothyroidism, and hypothalamic amenorrhea. Working together usually looks like a package of monthly 1 hour virtual appointments and a personalized lifestyle and nutrition roadmap with specific guidance for achieving your goals. I know what its like to feel alone and confused in your relationship with your body and how to eat to feel your best, so I've made it my life's work to make sure other women have the resources and support they deserve!