Sydney Spoon
RD, LD, CSSD- Dietitian/Nutritionist

- English
- Assisted Reproductive Technology (e.g. IVF)
- Baby Led Weaning
- Family Planning
- High Risk Pregnancy
- Infant Feeding
- Infertility
- Weight Inclusive
I am a registered dietitian/nutritionist. I grew up interested in prenatal nutrition as my dad is an OB/gyn. I’ve gotten more into fertility and prenatal/postpartum nutrition over the past few years as I’ve entered motherhood. I have a toddler and a baby on the way and I’m very passionate about helping others not just get pregnant, but have a healthy conception, pregnancy, and postpartum. Also, I’ve enjoyed helping mothers feel confident in feeding their babies and making sure they are set up for success through breast feeding and starting solids. My practice is small.. just me and my computer to do virtual appts which I find is easiest for both patients and me!