Katherine Sayre Bontempo
MS, RD, CSP, CDN- Dietitian/Nutritionist

- English
- Baby Led Weaning
- Gastrointestinal Health
- Infant Feeding
Eating Disorders/
Disordered Eating - Intuitive Eating
- General Nutrition
- Trauma Informed Care
- Weight Inclusive
- Gender Affirming Care
Katherine Sayre Bontempo MS, RD, CSP, CDN (she/her/hers)
As a pediatric and eating disorder registered dietitian, I have the opportunity to work with infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. I am Board Certified in Pediatric Nutrition. While seeing clients virtually, my approach delivers compassionate individualized nutrition therapy and values client centered care. I promote a weight inclusive all foods fit approach with an emphasis on balance and fun!
Picky eating, selective eating, feeding difficulties
Toddler nutrition, positive mealtimes
Poor weight gain or failure to thrive
Infant formula navigation
Starting solids or introduction of foods
Family meal planning
Feeding tube nutrition management
Blended tube feeds
Eating disorders (AN, BN, BED, ARFID, OSFED)
Disordered eating
Improving relationship with food and body